Trouble Shooting2019-07-23T13:26:11-04:00
My unit will not start or stop.2025-01-20T12:13:22-05:00

You can start your vacuum system by turning the hose 90 degrees to the right, in your inlet. If your system starts, you may have a broken on / off switch, which can be replaced easily. Our attachement kits come with a 2 year warranty, simply contact us and we will gladly assit you. A proof of purchase will be required.

Click here to see a quick video showing how to proceed

or click here to download the how to document 

How to reset my PC board?2025-02-04T12:22:38-05:00

Refer to this document for the steps you need to follow to reset your PC board.


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Why hot air is coming out of top of the vacuum?2025-01-20T12:16:25-05:00

IT’S NORMAL; there is always a gap because it takes space so that the piping is not too narrow in the air intake to avoid any damage.


Please refer to this document for more explanation.


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